from Korea itself does not. Rather, on the contrary, developments borrowing a concept now acquires such enormity that blame the manufacturers to adapt other people's ideas becomes simply unfashionable. But Apple - is another matter.Historical positioning "apple" as the most innovative products most seriously affected not only its competitors, but also a global audience of consumers. The privileged status of the company from Cupertino is confirmed by the constant clashes "network" Knights taking the beloved company charges one form or another as a personal insult. At the same time justify Apple, or rather, to rehabilitate her in the eyes of fans losing faith usual methods of analysis and lengthy discussions are unlikely to succeed."Adults love numbers," - used to say the famous Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. So why, in fact, we do not resort to the less abstract techniques to more clearly prove the correctness of the path chosen most Apple?It will help us in this queen of sciences and ingenious theory of games. Its principal feature is the simulation of a certain situation, a game called, by which is meant a defined process with two or more competing parties. Each of the parties pursuing as a primary objective the victory, resorted to the use of certain strategies. Very interesting in this case is the fact that the winner of the copy (!) Outsider action (!), Allowing the first to leave your opponent behind.In other words, the company from Cupertino, the remaining actions of the leaders, it is not necessary to resort to rash actions. In order to keep ahead of its competitors, it is sufficient to use the existing operating time. For example, in the case of MMS, «shutter» notifications, widgets, PHABLET and many others. It is very logical in terms of game theory, but illogical from the point of view of ordinary people is lagging position innovators and revolutionaries.Explain it with this much easier than it might suggest uncomplicated aspects of the exact sciences humanities mind. According to the following strategy derived in the framework of game theory, however no breakthrough had been lagging behind the action, the probability of winning is generally tends to zero. But it is the same algorithm Action leader will certainly lead him to glory, even if they are of questionable effectiveness. Why? Because the main thing in the competition - a victory, regardless of the method used to achieve it.Is this not what the late Steve Jobs said when he called geniuses those engaged in brazen theft?
"Game theory in action", or why Apple is doing the right thing
Reviewed by BESTOFBEST
August 08, 2016